Pistachio-Cassis Coaching - Services Menu


1:1 / 20mns Conversations

 Coffee-Break Coaching

Results: TAKE Action!

Groups / Workshops & Programs

 Coaching-Infused Conversations

Results: TAKE Action!


Corporate Organizations

 Speaking / Workshops

Thought Leadership


Interested? Curious? Then speak to me:  Schedule a call with me (free)


Coffee-Break Coaching (1:1 / private) 

Ideal if you’re a hard-working, busy professional woman in mid-level management

  • Who dreams of a “better life / career
  • But feels stuck, doesn’t know how to start, or wonders whether she’s even on the right path

>>>> So YOU can START taking action toward that “better life / career” you so want!


The idea                                                                  

  • Have a series of conversations with a trusted “friend” (me, as your coach) during “coffee-breaks”
  • About specific obstacles you’re facing right now
  • And leave each conversation with ONE action - designed by YOU, for YOU - to take RIGHT AWAY
  • Leading you to START taking action… and getting used to it!


What’s included in the Coffee-Break Coaching experience

  • Conversations of 20 minutes (virtual)
  • Your very own obstacles / goals / challenges (one per conversation)
  • Conversations based on coaching principles: it’s all about YOU, but you’re not left on your own with your thoughts going round in circle in your head!



Coffee-Break Coaching Menu



Ideal if this is your First coaching Experience!

4 conversations of 20 minutes

Over 4-6 weeks (virtual)


“Main Course”

To Challenge Yourself to progress on your goal!

12 conversations of 20 minutes

Over 12-16 weeks (virtual)

CAD 750.00

Speak to me first!


“Full Course”

To Empower Yourself to keep taking action!

30 conversations of 20 minutes

Over 12 months (virtual)


To discuss whether any of these are what you need:  Schedule a call with me (free)


Coaching-Infused Conversations (groups) 

In a way, this is the group version of the Coffee-Break Coaching experience described above:

Ideal if you’re a hard-working, busy professional woman in mid-level management

  • Who dreams of a “better life / career
  • But feels stuck, doesn’t know how to start, or wonders whether she’s even on the right path

>>>> So YOU can START taking action toward that “better life / career” you so want!


The idea                                                                  

  • Have conversations with “friends” (me, as the conversation facilitator, and the other participants)
  • About challenges / situations often faced by professionals like you
  • And leave each conversation with ONE action - designed by YOU, for YOU - to take RIGHT AWAY
  • Leading you to START taking action… and getting used to it!


Coaching-Infused Conversations available

  • Workshops / Series of short conversations / Programs
  • Can include follow-up messaging to improve accountability in taking action



Coaching-Infused Conversations Menu

Empower Yourself to DESIGN Your Life / Career


Design your life

Based on YOU and

What’s important to YOU

Your long-term vision

Where you are now

What are your Priorities


Design your career

Based on YOU and

What’s important to YOU

Your long-term vision

Where you are now

What are your Priorities


Design your actions

What needs to happen

What’s under your control

What you’re prepared to do

Getting outside of your comfort zone


Empower Yourself to CREATE Your Life / Career


Feeling stuck?

What’s really, really stopping you?

Rewrite the story you tell yourself…

Where is your personal Board of Directors?


Which direction to take?


To make that change… or not?

Jumping into the unknown…

No role models? And so what?


On the wrong path?

What’s your definition of Success?

When are you in “flow” (absorbed in what you’re doing)?

Do you have the right GPS settings for your career?

To enquire about this service Schedule a call with me (free)


Speaking (groups)

I‘m also available to speak (workshops, podcasts, panel conversations, etc.) on the following topics:


Coaching-Infused Conversations' topics above

Inspiring, supporting and empowering hard-working, busy professional women in mid-level management to take action toward that “better life / career” they dream of

Bringing coaching (that powerful professional and personal development technique that’s all about YOU but doesn’t leave you on your own) to the real world of professionals


Speaker bio and past speaking events / podcasts available here


To enquire about this service Schedule a call with me (free)


What makes THESE experiences different to any others?

  • It’s specific to YOU: You identify the specific obstacle / goal to work on
  • It’s all ABOUT YOU - and discovering you already have solutions within you
  • It’s about STARTING to take action – No overwhelmed feeling
  • It’s a low time, energy, and financial investment
  • It fits in a busy schedule
  • It’s about progressing in your OWN TERMS
  • It’s an introduction to a different form of professional / personal development


Do you recognize YOURSELF?

Then take your 1st action right now…    Schedule a call with me (free)


Concerned about committing to one of these experiences?

Well, remember that this is an investment in YOURSELF:

  • Think about what would CHANGE in your life, long term
  • Think about the IMPACT of this experience on your whole life
  • Think about the VALUE of YOU being in the driver’s seat of YOUR life and career


So, are you ready to INVEST time and energy… and yes, money too – to change YOUR Life and Career?

 Schedule a call with me (free)