Pistachio-Cassis Coaching – for Professional Women in Middle Management
Looking for Inspiration, Support, and Empowerment to CREATE that “better life/career” you dream of?
Then, subscribe to the Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter…
… For a weekly “Coaching-Infused” moment of reflection…
… To inspire, support and empower YOU to take action toward that “better life/career” you dream of…
… On your own terms, at your own speed… YOUR way!
Are you a Professional Women in Middle / Mid-level Management…
Who “just” want a “better life / career”, but who are wondering about:
Feeling stuck?
Not knowing what to do in your life
Not knowing how to start
Not knowing who to speak to for support
Which direction to take?
To do, or not to do?
To go from fog to sunlight?
To be like “everyone else”… or not?
Being on the wrong path?
Who do you really want to be?
What’s a “successful” life / career?
What’s the right path to be on, for you?
Is this YOU? Then, you’re not alone!!!
There are plenty of other professional women in mid-level management in that same situation!
And they, too, are looking for inspiration, support and empowerment to take action toward that “better life / career” they dream of!
And I used to be one of these professional women, before starting a new chapter in my life!

Hi! I’m Christelle,
your Self-Leadership Awakener Coach / Facilitator,
and the founder of Pistachio-Cassis Coaching.
But let’s start with a little bit of background about me (so you get to know me a little better!)…
Childhood dreams - of travelling the world, meeting people from all over the place, trying different activities, earning good money (of course!)… and completely ignoring the fact that I was quite an introvert!
When “reality” hit - Came the time to decide what to do with my life… and I pushed those dreams aside and concentrated on addressing my basic needs (professional qualifications, a career with opportunities for evolution, being financially independent…)! That’s how I got into the construction industry!
Realizing opportunities were all around me – When I literally grabbed the 1st opportunity to get back on track with my dreams: continuing my construction studies in the UK (although I barely spoke English)! From there, I had many ups and downs, trying to stay aligned with my dreams but struggling many times to find the courage to put myself into the uncomfortable situations that would take me there…
Creating my own non-traditional professional profile and non-linear international career - 20+ years in the construction industry, diverse expertise, international and multicultural experience, 3 languages (French, English, Spanish)…
Despite this, I still got to a point where I felt stuck…
I knew I had to make changes, but I didn’t know what else to do with my life…
So I went on an exploration journey to discover what I could do to create the life and career I wanted for myself!
That’s when I discover a new approach to professional / personal development and growth – Coaching!
That’s the approach I had been missing all along!
A development approach that is:
- All about ME (who I really am and who I want to be),
- But doesn’t leave me on my OWN with my thoughts going round in circle in my head!!!
- And provides me with the accountability I need to TAKE action (not just talk about it)!
And I’m sure that YOU too, like many others, are missing out on this approach!
Because we’re all so used to getting advice from others (family, friends, managers, experts) that we don’t listen to our own advice and expertise (about ourselves)…
Or because we’re so used to getting lost in our thoughts going round in circle in our head, with nowhere else to go for a new idea or perspective…
And this is why I decided that my next chapter would be about bringing this Coaching development approach to professional women in mid-level management, in a way that fits in with their busy schedule and allow them to take action, often outside of their comfort zone, in their own terms!

To inspire, support and empower professional women in mid-level management to take action toward that “better life/career” they dream of, and make it a REALITY! – Pistachio-Cassis Coaching
So that YOU, too, can:
Get unstuck
Identifying what you want next
Knowing how and where to start, one step at a time
Creating your own support system
Find clarity
Deciding whether you should, or not
Finding a way from fog to sunlight
“Going for it” even if there is no one else “like you”
Discover your path
Becoming who you want to be
Getting into the driver’s seat of your life
Being the CEO of your life / career
Starting with subscribing to the Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter
… For a weekly “Coaching-Infused” moment of reflection…
… To inspire, support and empower YOU to take action toward that “better life/career” you dream of…
… On your own terms, at your own speed… YOUR way!
And to get the latest about Pistachio-Cassis Coaching!
Then attending some of my events (Check up-coming events here)
And, if you’re ready – or simply curious
Scheduling a call with me (free)
Why choose me as your coach, facilitator, partner?
You may look at my “specialization”, my training, and my experience…
But, more importantly, you want to ensure that you’ll be “comfortable” speaking to me, often opening up your mind and your thoughts in a way you never did before… like feeling that:
- I can relate to your situation thanks to my own journey;
- I can understand your goals – especially if your goals are slightly “unconventional”!
- I have similar values to you;
- You can be “YOU” in our conversations, because you see that I did my best to stay “ME” in my journey…
So, what do you see in my profile, my speaking, and my writing that attracts you to working with me?
And the best way to “check” this is by speaking to me: Schedule a call with me (free)
A little more about Pistachio-Cassis Coaching
Check out what others have experienced during their time with me:
>>>> See more testimonials here
Industry recognitions
2022 Official Honoree Brainz 500 Global award - Recognition for entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others
- Professional Identity Facilitator, Self Worth Academy, UK
- ACC (Associate Certified Coach), International Coaching Federation (ICF)
- FCPC (Flow Certified Professional Coach), Flow Coaching Institute, Canada (an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program)
- MSc Construction Law & Dispute Resolution, King’s College London, UK
- MSc (Eng.) International Construction Management, University of Leeds, UK
- BSc (Eng.) Building Technology and Management, University of Glamorgan, UK
Professional and networking memberships
- International Coaching Federation (ICF)
- Lean In Canada: A community of professional women empowering each other to build purposeful and fulfilling careers.
- Ellevate: Redefining networking: Ellevate believes that navigating a sea of faceless connections is a waste of time. That’s why Ellevate prioritizes real, authentic relationships that can make a difference in our future.