Are you a Hard-working, Busy Professional who...

>>> Especially Professional Women in Mid-Level Management!!!



… Is asking:

 Which direction / decision to take?

About your job, career, lifestyle…

 How to get unstuck?

From a dead-end job, stagnant career, boredom…

 Am I on the wrong path / career ladder?

About your position, industry, lifestyle…


When all you want is “just” a “better life / career”, where you’re

In the Driver’s Seat of your life...

The CEO of your life / career...

The Captain of your Destiny...

Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter

Helping YOU to START Taking Action toward Leading Yourself!

No spam. Only relevant offers.


Well, you’re not alone!

I’ve been there to…

... at different stages of my “previous professional life” (20+-year international career in the construction industry and corporate world)!!!

I, too, had to find help to get clarity about which direction to take…

So I could start taking action to get unstuck

And get back into the driver’s seat of my life – Leading Myself, my Life, my Career…


And now...

I’d love to see more of “us” (the hard-working, busy professionals)

get CLARITY, get UNSTUCK and get back into that DRIVER’s SEAT!!!


That’s why…

“Helping YOU to START Taking Action toward Leading Yourself, your Life, your Career”

… is so important to me!

And that's why I’m writing the weekly Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter…

So you can get a “taste” of my Coffee-break Coaching experience uniquely designed for hard-working, busy professionals

  • Who “just” want a “better life / career”
  • But need help to get clarity, unstuck and back into the driver’s seat of their life…
  • By starting to take action toward that “better life / career”

… And you can also book a FREE sample of this Coffee-break Coaching experience!

Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter

Helping YOU to START Taking Action toward Leading Yourself!


No spam. Only relevant offers.



Check out what others have experienced during their time with me:

Ihuoma O.
I have been in a rewarding coaching relationship with Christelle for some months. I have benefitted from her coaching in a number of ways. She is thoughtful, professional and easy to relate with. I experienced her cultural savvy and this helped us get on well despite coming from two very different cultures. She asks powerful questions in a way that sets you thinking and reassessing your beliefs and perspectives. Christelle is passionate about helping women in the tech world where she has a lot of experience - in addition to continuing to help people generally gain insights to their challenges and improve their performance. Thanks, Christelle for crossing my path in our coaching journey!

Mike D.V.
British Columbia, Canada
Christelle's industry and professional background ensures that her coaching is grounded in reality, actionable, and honing the skills needed to lead and thrive as a whole and balanced person. Working with Christelle is always a great experience. Her questions are well considered and invite you to reflect deeply on how you show up as a professional and as a person. Her coaching has a strong bias toward action, and constructively invites you to make positive changes to your thinking and your daily activities.

Raswella W.
The essence of coaching is to collaborate, explore and partner with a client. As a coach, Christelle connects with clients in a way that makes them feel comfortable and confident about achieving their desired outcomes. Christelle's international experience means her coaching practices centre around the ICF competencies, and Christelle's coaching questions are thought-provoking and demonstrate her active listening skills, as well as her empathetic approach to the coaching process. I would highly recommend Christelle as a coach.

>>>> See more testimonials here


Industry recognitions

2022 Official Honoree Brainz 500 Global award - Recognition for entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others


Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter

Helping YOU to START Taking Action toward Leading Yourself!


No spam. Only relevant offers.